19 January 2023

As part of the continued de-escalation of COVID-19 measures, the Government has
announced a number of changes to services including:
- the end of government provided public PCR testing
- closure of the airport testing centre
- closure of the Coronavirus helpline
- de-activation of the Jersey COVID-19 Alert app
- the end of weekly COVID-19 data reporting
The changes, which were signalled in autumn 2022, will see the management of COVID-19
move from an emergency response into pre-existing services. The changes are considered
proportionate to the current epidemiological situation and also reflect an overall fall in
demand for public COVID-19 services over the last nine-month period.
The Director of Public Health, Professor Peter Bradley, said: “In 2022, we announced the
phased de-escalation of our COVID-19 response, and I am pleased we have been able to
make this decision to step down more of these measures.
“Our priority is and always will be the health and safety of Islanders and the changes we’re
announcing today continue our move towards the sustainable management of COVID-19. I
want to reassure Islanders that they will continue to be supported if unwell or concerned
about COVID-19, however how they access this support will revert to pre-pandemic routes
and contacts.
“I would like to thank everyone who has worked tirelessly through the last three years,
including the testing team, COVID Safe, the helpline staff and many others.
“Although we are scaling down our response, COVID-19 is still with us and will be for the
foreseeable future. I therefore urge everyone to continue following the guidance, stay at
home and do an LFT test if you feel unwell, and if you are eligible for any of your vaccines,
book an appointment or drop into the Vaccine Centre.”
Updated Guidance
Positive Cases
Islanders should stay at home if unwell and do an LFT test. If positive, they should stay at
home for at least five days and until they have been symptom free for 48 hours.
After a positive test, Islanders may be eligible for Short Term Incapacity Allowance (STIA).
To claim STIA, Islanders will need a medical certificate from their GP in the normal way.
PCR Testing
From 30 January, Government provided public PCR testing will end and the drive through
Airport Testing Centre will close.
PCR testing will remain available through GPs and private providers.
LFT testing
Free of charge LFT kits for home use will remain available to order online. Guidance will be
for Islanders to use LFTs:
- when they have COVID-19 symptoms
- before visiting a vulnerable person or health and care setting
Health, care and vulnerable settings
Enhanced testing and additional measures, including mask wearing, will remain in place.
Coronavirus Helpline
The helpline will close and Islanders will no longer be able to call for general COVID advice.
Full Public Health guidance remains on gov.je/coronavirus and Islanders are encouraged to
book vaccinations via gov.je/vaccine.
Some limited telephone services to support vaccination bookings and COVID Status
Certification will remain in place.
Jersey COVID Alert
From 31 January, all functions of the Jersey COVID Alert app will be disabled, and the app
will no longer be available from app stores. Islanders should not rely on case and
vaccination data held by the app from this point as it may be out of date.
Data Reporting
Weekly reporting of COVID statistics will stop and data will no longer be posted across the
Government’s social media channels. The Public Health team will continue to monitor
COVID-19 information internally.
General Guidance
Islanders are encouraged to continue following the guidance and spread warmth not
illness by:
- Staying home if unwell and doing an LFT test
- Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and Flu
- Keeping the air fresh
Islanders are also encouraged to use an LFT before visiting elderly and vulnerable people
and wear a mask in health and care settings.