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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Sea and air transport statistics

Total passengers by mode of travel

There were 823,000 passengers arriving and departing from Jersey in 2021. Of this figure, 679,000 were air passengers and 144,000 were sea passengers.

In 2021 the total number of passengers was 65% higher than in 2020, when there were 500,000 passengers. Over this year there was an 82% increase in sea passengers and a 61% increase in air passengers. However, passenger numbers continued to be severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated public health measures, which included restrictions on travel. In 2021 the total number of passengers was 65% lower than in 2019, when there were 2,364,000 passengers. The number of sea passengers in 2021 was 78% lower than in 2019, and the number of air passengers was 60% lower.

The total number of passengers in 2020 was the lowest recorded for several decades; the total number of passengers was at least two million each year from 1973 to 2019. In contrast, in 2019 the total number of passengers was the highest recorded since 2002.

Total number of sea and air passengers for  to 

Source: Ports of Jersey, download the chart data

The numbers in the chart have been independently rounded to the nearest thousand. Passengers in transit have been excluded from the data.

Sea passengers by route

2021 saw 144,000 passengers travelling to and from Jersey using the sea routes. This was an 82% increase on the total in 2020 of 79,000. However, the number of sea passengers was 78% lower than in 2019, when there were 648,000.

The 2020 sea passenger numbers were lowest in several decades; the total number of sea passengers has been over 500,000 in each year from 1973 to 2019. In the last 20 years, sea passenger numbers have decreased from 919,000 in 2002 to 648,000 in 2019.

Comparing 2021 with the previous year shows that:

  • total passengers travelling by sea increased by 82%
  • passengers on inter-island routes increased by 133%
  • passengers on routes to France increased by 18%
  • passengers on UK routes increased by 126%

There were no recorded cruise ship passengers in 2020 or 2021, compared to 3,625 passengers in 2019.

Total number of sea passengers by route for  to 

Source: Ports of Jersey, download the chart data

The numbers in the chart have been independently rounded to the nearest thousand. Passengers in transit have been excluded from the data.

Air arrivals by route

In 2022 there were 660,000 passengers who arrived in Jersey using air routes. This was a 98% increase on the total in 2021 of 334,000. The number of air passengers that arrived in 2020 were the lowest seen for several decades; the number of air arrivals has been over 600,000 each year 1973 to 2019. In contrast, 857,000 passengers arrived in Jersey by air in 2019, the highest number of air arrivals since 1990.

Comparing 2022 with the previous year shows that:

  • total arrivals by air increased by 98%
  • international passenger arrivals increased by 259%
  • inter-island passenger arrivals increased by 264%
  • UK passenger arrivals increased by 89%

Total number of air passenger arrivals by route for  to 

Source: Visit Jersey, download the chart data

The numbers in the chart have been independently rounded to the nearest thousand. Passengers in transit have been excluded from the data.

Total sea freight

496,000 tonnes of imports and exports (including fuel) were shipped through Jersey’s harbours in 2021, representing an annual increase of 21,000 tonnes. However the total in 2021 was 28,000 tonnes lower than in 2019.

Total freight (including fuel) decreased by 16% between 2006 and 2012, down from 540,000 tonnes to 455,000 tonnes. 2012 recorded the lowest amount of freight in the last 13 years and it is worth noting that Low Value Consignment Relief (LCVR) ended in the same year.

Between 2012 and 2019 total freight (including fuel) increased by 15%. Overall, this resulted in the total freight (including fuel) shipped in 2019 being 3% lower than the total freight (including fuel) shipped in 2006.

Comparing 2019 with the previous year shows that:

  • total freight (including fuel) increased by 4.2%
  • imported freight increased by 1.2%
  • exported freight increased by 17.9%
  • imported fuel increased by 6%

The imported fuel figures are for bulk fuel imports to La Collette fuel berth only. Imported containerised fuel is included in the imported freight figures.

Annual sea freight for  to 

Source: Ports of Jersey, download the chart data

The numbers in the chart have been independently rounded to the nearest thousand.

Bulk fuel imports

63,620 tonnes of bulk fuel was imported through La Collette in 2019. This is a 51% decrease on 2007 in which 129,692 tonnes of bulk fuel was imported. Total bulk fuel imports have not been as high since.

2018 saw the lowest total bulk fuel imports since 2007 with 60,177 tonnes of bulk fuel imports.  

Comparing 2019 with the previous year shows that:

  • gas oil and diesel imports decreased by 6.9%
  • kerosene imports decreased by 4.4%
  • petrol imports decreased by 7%

Bulk fuel imports by type for  to 


Source: Ports of Jersey, download the chart data

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