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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Learning and Skills policy for public servants

​Description of change
​Reason for change
​Date approved
​Amend Group Director of People and Corporate Services to Chief People Officer
​Change in role title
​​August 2024

​Description of change
​Reason for change
​Date approved
​Amend Group Director of People and Corporate Services to Chief People Officer
​Change in role title
​​August 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​ ​Introduction

This document comes in two parts.

Part one​ sets out the Jersey public services policy and principles regarding Learning and Skills.

Part two provides the procedure, setting out how to implement the policy with links to toolkit items to give you more information. The procedure is intended as a guide only and may change or be varied from time to time.

​Learning and Skills Policy
​Learning and Development
​Document type
​Policy and procedure
​Issue date
​10 August 2023
​Effective date
​19 August 2024
​Review date
​11 August 2026

This policy supersedes all previous policies, circulars and procedures connected with Learning and Skills within the Public Service.

Code of practice and policy family

This policy forms part of the code of practice for Talent Development. This code will be reviewed at the start of each term of States Employment Board, or earlier where relevant legislation or regulations change.

Learning and Skills policy

Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide information and guidance about the Jersey Public Service approach to setting and maintaining learning and development opportunities, including funding and allocated time to undertake various development opportunities, as well as identification and support for additional learning needs. 

Policy principles

All our policies are underpinned by our values and behaviours.

This policy and procedure aims to:

  • ensure everyone is treated in a fair, consistent, and equal manner, free from discrimination and victimisation
  • be clearly written, easy to understand and apply
  • ensure our compliance with the Employment (Jersey) Law 2003, Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013 and other relevant legislation and regulations

The Learning and Skills policy helps us to deliver our commitments in our People Strategy including our promise to create opportunities with you to help you achieve your potential. This policy aims to provide the necessary support you may need if you wish to develop your knowledge and skills either through short term learning opportunities or professional studies. 

We will provide you with the support you need to develop your skills and professional abilities, and we will invest in development fairly and consistently within the organisation. If you are required to undertake professional studies or exams for work purposes, or as part of an agreed career progression plan as agreed by your line manager through the application process outlined in this policy, the cost is covered by the organisation, and you are allocated paid study leave to achieve this in addition to the time required to attend the course. 

The costs to pay for the learning required will be considered once an application is submitted supported by your line manager. Costs include the fees for courses and examinations as well as other related costs such as travel and accommodation if required.

Everyone has equal opportunity to access learning that is required for their role. Your learning and development is important for you and the organisation. We will ensure any reasonable adjustments which will enable you to access the learning you need to develop yourself will be identified and provided.

We value the diversity of all our employees when developing and delivering learning opportunities. We are committed to identifying and addressing barriers to learning within all learning provisions either delivered internally or commissioned externally. 

Policy scope

This policy applies to all Jersey public servants on permanent and non-permanent contracts of employment. 

Public servants on fixed term contracts where the training or learning enhances their ability to carry out the work they have been engaged to undertake and where the contract length is longer than the length is longer than the length of time it would take to obtain the qualification. 

Jersey Public Service colleagues working in:

  • the Jersey London Office
  • The Channel Islands Brussels Office (CIBO)
  • the Bureau des Isles Anglo-Normandes (BIAN, based in Caen)

This policy does not apply to:

  • employees who work for the Jersey Public Service through a contract for services on an interim, locum, self-employed, or agency basis
  • voluntary staff or those on honorary contracts where there is no implied contract of employment 
  • employees engaged on zero-hour agreements

Performance and accountabilities

All of us

We are all accountable for achieving and maintaining the required standards of work performance, participating in training and development as and when required.

We are all responsible for identifying our training and development needs and sharing these with our line manager.

Keeping our professional knowledge and skills up to date, through internal and external training and completing the necessary corporate and sector specific statutory and mandatory training required to keep ourselves and our organisation safe.

Organisation development

The Organisation Development Team will have oversight of approved and rejected funding applications to identify where there is training that could be made available corporately.

Trainee or learner accountabilities 

Attending all classes, completing all learning and assignments or assessments and sitting exams as stipulated by the learning provider and as agreed with the line manager. Ensuring line managers are informed of continuous progress, that requests for study leave are submitted as far in advance as possible and that the line manager is informed of when they are not in work due to study commitments.

Line managers

'Our managers are role models, set clear standards and are supportive' (People Strategy Commitment - Your Experience). As a line manager, you are responsible for modelling our values and behaviour expectations. You set the tone for your team. 

Our People Strategy

You are responsible for familiarising yourself with this policy and understanding the importance of your role in supporting your colleagues' professional development and progression. You are responsible for:

  • having regular development discussions with your team members, supporting them to recognise and identify any training and development needs ensuring these are captured within Connect People
  • ensuring colleagues attend training they have signed up to, with your approval
  • providing continuous support and monitoring progress of team members through their learning including those who are working through long term professional studies and examinations
  • ensuring all team members are allocated time within their normal working hours to complete their statutory and mandatory training

You must ensure that individuals are aware of the range of learning opportunities available to them as outlined in this policy and that they are aware of relevant corporate learning provisions as well as departmental or sector specific learning and development opportunities.

Chief People Officer​

You are the custodian of all Government of Jersey people policies. You will ensure that this policy and its procedure:

  • is implemented using appropriate communication methods, to aid organisation-wide awareness, in order that responsibilities can be fulfilled
  • is reviewed in line with the schedule in the policy control sheet
  • has been developed in keeping with the Corporate Policy Framework and Policy Guidelines, and our People Strategy

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Officers

You are accountable for familiarising yourself wit​​h:

  • our 6 Codes of Practice
  • this policy and it's procedure
  • ensuring line managers and employees within your department carry out their responsibilities, as set out in this policy
  • notifying and recording any breach of this policy, in accordance with the relevant breaches and exemptions procedure
  • upholding the spirit of the Standards in Public Service and this policy and procedure

You are responsible for modelling and championing our values and ensuring that our organisation's standards and expectations are communicated clearly and fully adopted by your department. You set the tone for the behaviours both within your department and across the organisation.

States Employme​nt Board

The Board has a duty to issue Codes of Practice in accordance with Article 8 of the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005. This code will be reviewed at the start of each term of States Employment Board, or earlier where relevant legislation or regulations change.

The procedure

How to request opportunities

You should discuss your request to undertake any learning and development opportunity with your manager in yo​ur regular one to one meeting and capture any development requirements within the 'Learning Objectives' section in your performance management record. Your manager will be able to suggest various options available to you and can approve requests for short term development opportunities.

​If you wish to undertake a long-term professional course, then you need to complete the online form below and if approved the learning agr​eement.​

Apply for professional qualification

This online digital form will automatically be sent on to you​r line manager who will then approve (or reject) your application once they have spoken to the Learning Lead in your area. Each department has its own specific application approval process and as such the named Learning Lead will ensure your application is submitted via the appropriate process for review and approval. The Learning Agreement outlines both your responsibility and that of your manager through your learning experience. Upon approval of the application you and your manager will need to complete the learning agreement and submit it to to be saved in your personnel file. Your manager will then email it to your department's name Learning Lead. Notification of all funding applications will also be sent to the Corporate Learning and Skills team for data monitoring and collection.

Which type of learning opportunities do we recognise under this policy

You can access a range of different learning opportunities within the Jersey Public Service. We offer a broad range of learning opportunities including digital and e-learning as well as virtual and face to face learning opportunities. Digital learning provisions including MyWelcome Induction, the online learning portal and corporate statutory and mandatory training courses are available through the learning management system. These can be accessed free, any time, any place and anywhere and via any smart device.

Informal opportunities to learn alongside others such as buddy-learning, shadowing, or mentoring are also available to you.

You should discuss your learning needs with your manager and together identify the most suitable learning solution. If you need help or advice, you can contact your departmental Learning and Development Lead who will be able to advise y​ou of the most appropriate learning solution to meet your needs. You can also contact the Corporate Learning and Skills Team to gain an understanding of the learning and development provisions currently available to you within the organisation.

If you want to secure financial support from the organisation to complete a professional qualification you'll need to complete the online form in how to request ​opportunities.​

On return to work you will be required to share with your manager and your team what you have learnt and what new skills or competencies you have developed as a result of completing the learning.

All learning opportunities provided internally are evaluated to evidence effectiveness and improve quality standards, therefore you must complete the evaluation aligned to any provision you undertake as part of your professional development.

You must record the request and completion of the training or learning within your performance management record.

Public servants undertaking professional qualifications are entitled to take paid study leave as outlined in the Learning Agreement and the Special Leave Policy. This is in addition to time allocated to attend the course itself. If the course occurs outside of your normal working hours, you are entitled to take that time back. Special leave to study and sit exams must be discussed and agreed with your line manager in advance and will not be refused unless the absence from work would seriously disrupt the provision of a service.

All other expenses relating to the course including travel, where an equivalent option is not available locally or remotely, study materials and any other additional costs also covered by this policy would need to be agreed along with course fees through the application process.

Learning agreem​ent

Should funding be approved a learning agreement will need to be completed by the delegate and their line manager.

This learning agreement is to support the Jersey Public Service Learning and Skills policy. In order to safeguard public funds and ensure the organisation realises a return on investment made towards Public Servants' development in relation to professional studies and qualifications this agreement outlines the responsibilities of both colleagues and their line managers.

A copy of the learning agreement will also be sent to the delegate and line manager should an application be approved.

Learning agreement for the Learning and Skills Policy

Support and wellbeing

Your wellbeing is our priority, everyone should feel safe and supported in the workplace, sources of wellbeing support and guidance can be found for public servants on MyStates.

Glossary of terms

Find definitions or explanations in the people polici​es glossary.​​

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