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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

The Cabinet Office

​The Cabinet Office enables Ministers and public servants to deliver better services and improve the lives of Islanders.​​​

The Cabinet Office supports the effective running of the Government which includes:

  • development of good policy
  • delivery of corporate functions
  • ensuring good governance and communications
  • the delivery of the Council of Ministers' agenda

It brings together 3 directorates that used to be separate departments:


The Cabinet Office supports ​the Council of Ministers under the leadership of the Chief Minister.

Council of Ministers

Cabinet Office leadership

Dr Andrew McLoughlin took up post as Interim Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Service on 5 September 2023. The CEO is also the Principal Accountable Officer.​

The Chief Executive is supported by the Assistant Chief E​xecutive, who is the Accountable Officer for t​he Cabinet Office. The Treasurer of the States can also act as an Assistant Chief Executive.

Senior management team

Tom Walker

Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Officer for People, Policy and Digital

Martyn White

Acting Director of Communications

Paul Wylie

Group Director of Policy

Jason Whitfield

Chief Information Officer

Ian Cope

Chief Statistician and Director of Statistics and Analytics

Louise Magris

Director for Housing Environment and Placemaking

Peter Bradley

Director of Public Health

Documents, policies and publications

Making an FOI request

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