Management of Asbestos
The Management of Exposure to Asbestos in Workplace Buildings and Structures (Asbestos ACoP) contains practical guidance on the steps which should be taken to ensure that dutyholders are meeting their legal requirements in respect of asbestos and ensuring the safety of persons.
Although it is not mandatory to follow the guidance given, the ACoP does have a special legal status in that if you choose to deviate from the guidance given, then you will need to show that you have complied with the law in some other way.
Asbestos register and management plan
The Asbestos ACoP sets out the steps which should be taken to ensure that any asbestos containing materials are identified and the appropriate action taken to ensure that people aren't being placed at risk.
Even if you do not intend to carry out any work, you should ensure that materials are identified and an Asbestos Register and Management Plan are prepared. This will ensure that both the people who normally occupy the building and persons coming in to carry out work, such as builders, plumbers etc. are not put at risk.
A copy of the register should be available to all relevant persons and should also be brought to the attention of the emergency services if necessary
Survey of rented business premises
The person responsible for this, otherwise referred to as 'the dutyholder', is usually the party responsible for the maintenance of the building. This should be clearly defined within your tenancy agreement. In some instances, this may be a single responsibility but in many cases, such as multi-occupancy building, it will be a joint responsibility.
Types of survey
In general, you should have a Management Survey (Type 2 survey) carried out if you are having the survey done for the purpose of putting together a management plan.
However, if you are intending to carry out major refurbishment works or demolish a building, then you should have a Demolition/refurbishment survey (Type 3 survey) which is more intrusive and will involve some minor demolition to reveal any hidden asbestos containing materials eg behind plasterboard ceilings etc.
Asbestos sampling
It is strongly recommended that you do not attempt to take a sample of any material which you suspect may contain asbestos as breakage is one of the primary causes of fibre release.
You can contact any of the licensed asbestos contractors who will be able to make an assessment of the material to determine whether it is likely to contain asbestos and will then take a sample in a controlled manner to confirm this.
List of licensed asbestos removal contractors