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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Grainville School evacuated

07 December 2012

Grainville School was evacuated on Thursday 6 December after a small fire was discovered in one of the first floor toilets.

Two fire engines were sent to the school and firefighters extinguished the fire. The fire was small but created smoke and fumes which were contained by the building's fire doors.

Watch Commander Chris Love said "The States Fire and Rescue Service would like to commend the professionalism, the co-ordination skills and evacuation procedures of the school's staff. Once the fire had been discovered they rapidly evacuated the pupils from the school.

"We were met by the caretaker who quickly and successfully briefed my crews with the important information that we need. This enabled us to go directly to the risk area and extinguish the fire without delay. Their continued help greatly assisted us to perform our duties without the problems that a building of this size and capacity could create."
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