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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Air quality monitoring

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) and Particle monitoring

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is measured (in micrograms/m3 (per metre cube)) in real time at Beresford Street and at 20 sites around the Island using passive diffusion tubes which are sent off monthly to the UK for analysis. Diffusion tubes are also used to measure 4 VOC's (Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and Xylene) at 5 other sites around the Island.

Particles (also known as particulate matter) are categorised as:

  • total suspended particles TSPs
  • PM10
  • PM2.5

They're measured in real time at Beresford Street in St Helier in micrograms/m3. A second unit measures background particle levels in Howard Davis Park.

NO2, VOCs and Particles are associated with traffic emissions and are potentially hazardous to health. Air quality in Jersey is generally good however there are increased levels of air pollution at hotspots such as in the tunnel and areas prone to congestion.

The Natural Environment Department are trialling a number of low cost sensors (that measure NO2, Ozone O3, Particles (PM10 and PM2.5) and temperature and humidity) to determine if they are suitable for our needs. We hope in the future to provide a number of sensors around Jersey to provide real time data to allow the public to make informed decisions around whether to travel or not.

Data from the Departments real time particle analysers are shown in the graphs below. The data shown covers the latest 24 hours of reporting.

The results and analysis of this monitoring is published annually in a report by UK consultants Ricardo, Energy and Environment, the Air Quality Monitoring annual ​report 2022.

Air Quality Index - PM10 Particles

BandLowLowLowModerateModerateModerateHigh High High Very High
µg/m³0-1617-3334-5051-5859-6667-7576-83 84-91 92-100 101 or more

Health studies report that:

  • when air pollution is 'Low' (1‐3) effects are unlikely to be noticed even by those who are sensitive to air pollution
  • when air pollution is 'Moderate' (4‐6) sensitive people may notice mild effects but these are unlikely to need action
  • when air pollution is 'High' (7‐9) sensitive people may notice significant effects and may need to take action
  • when air pollution is 'Very High' (10) effects on sensitive people, described for 'High' pollution, may worsen​

Beresford Street 


Osiris Beresford Street monitor

This unit is a kerbside monitor and is sited close to Beresford Street so monitors particles from traffic sources. Spikes in particle pollution are generally due to vehicles leaving their engines running close to the monitor and traffic congestion on Beresford Street.​

The Beresford Street Osiris particle unit 2131 has been sent back to the UK for repair. ​​

Howard Davis Farm


​Osiris Howard Davis Farm monitor 

This unit is a background monitor moved to Howard Davis Farm on 28 June 2024 because of ongoing vandalism at the previous site.

Howard Davis Farm is a rural and background site but is within 70 metres of an animal cremator and a number of roads. It’s likely to be impacted by particles from natural sources such as wind-blown soil, sea salt, biological moulds and also from human sources such as domestic, incinerator and vehicle emissions.

You can find the Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) data for Jersey on air pollution ​mon​​​itoring and particle data at other sites throughout t​he world is available on AirQ​Web.


Download the AirQApp application that displays results from environment sensors that collect particle levels in Jersey.

Air quality reports and documents

The Government of Jersey publishes air quality reports annually. These can be found below along with Jerseys Air Quality Strategy 2012, which sets out targets and objectives aimed at maintaining or improving the Air Quality on the Island, and the Air Quality Project Plan which details more specifically what actions are planned over the coming years.

These documents need updating and should complement the:

  • Climate Change Strategy
  • Carbon Roadmap
  • Sustainable Transport Plan
  • Bridging Island Plan

Report on Turnkey Osiris particle results at Beresford Street and Howard Davis Park sites

Air Quality Strategy 2012​​​​

Jersey Air Quality Project Plan

Vehicles emissions

This summary report presents a sample of the analysis of the real-world emissions measurements from vehicles in Jersey.

Report on vehicle emissions remote sensing in Jersey

Air quality in the tunnel

The short study includes a number of different assessments to evaluate:

  • exposure of commuters traveling through the tunnel using different modes of transport 
  • concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the tunnel 
  • concentrations of nitrogen dioxide for pedestrians using alternative routes to work

Air quality monitoring in the tunnel, St Helier

Historical monitoring

We’ve been assessing and reporting on the quality of Island air since 1997.

​You can find previous air monitoring reports on States reports.​

Air quality monitoring sensor network ​

There are two types of air monitoring sensors in Jersey:                                      

  • Clarity Node 
  • Vortex Head

They measure Nitrogen Dioxide NO2, Particles (PM10 & PM2.5), Ozone ​O3 (Vortex only), temperature and humidity.  

We have 12 sensors in St Helier, they are on lampposts and signs. The data they collect can highlight trends and investigate potential sources of pollution, but cannot be used for comparison with UK, European and international standards. 

The open map also shows 30 Clarity sensors which are maintained by the Jersey charity Thrive. Their Air quality project is Breathe Jersey - Thrive Jersey​.

You can see the data at: Open Map - Clarit​y Movement​

Air quality sensor sites

Clarity Node sensors are located at:

  • St Lukes school (Elizabeth St) 
  • Helvetia (inside playground)
  • Helvetia (Parade Road) 
  • Robin Hood junction 
  • Tunnel east entrance by Green Street roundabout
  • Bottom of Mont Millais
  • Beresford Street by market for calibration

Vortex Head sensors are located at:

  • Rouge Bouillon school 
  • Beaulieu School Wellington Road
  • St Saviours Hill 
  • Gloucester Street by gatehouse
  • Beresford Street by market for calibration

Air quality in Jersey

Air quality in Jersey is generally good as it’s a windblown island with prevailing westerly winds, but elevated levels of localised air pollution do occur. For example, during periods of traffic congestion, particularly in canyon type streets and in the tunnel. 

​We have one of the highest car ownership levels, with 127,911 vehicles registered to a population of approximately 112,000. There is no Ministry of Transport (MOT)​ vehicle test for cars at present, so this means older, more polluting vehicles are still being driven on the island, creating disproportionally high levels of air pollution.​

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