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Government of

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L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Assisted purchase home ownership schemes

Purchase scheme eligibility

If you're interested in buying a home but need some financial help to do so, you may be able to apply to join assisted purchase home ownership scheme. 

You will be eligible to purchase a property through an assisted purchase home scheme if you: 

  • are over 18 years old
  • are residentially qualified to live in Jersey (you must have ‘Entitled’ residential status)
  • have been resident in Jersey for more than six months prior to the date of application
  • have not previously or currently own another property in Jersey or elsewhere in the world (are a first-time buyer)
  • cannot afford to purchase a property suitable for their needs in the open market
  • can meet the long-term financial commitment of purchasing a property
  • are going to live in the property as their principal place of residence
  • have an annual household income below the limits set out in the following table:
​Household income limits to qualify for Assisted Purchase Home Ownership schemes
​Property size                                                      Maximum gross annual income
​1 bedroom flat
​2 bedroom flat
​2 bedroom house
​3 bedroom house
​4 bedroom house
Further information on the eligibility criteria for purchasing a property through an assisted ownership scheme can be found in the following policy document:

Assisted Home Ownership Schemes Eligibility Criteria policy

Apply for the First Step scheme

First Step is a new home ownership scheme being delivered in partnership with Andium Homes to help aspiring homeowners onto the property ladder. 

Islanders who are eligible will be able to access a government contribution of up to 40% towards the purchase price of an open market property. 

Apply for the First Step scheme

You must provide a minimum 5% deposit towards the purchase and secure the maximum lending available to them from one of the scheme’s partnering mortgage lenders. 

There are 3 rounds of applications for the scheme:

  1. the second round will be open from 3 June for 4 weeks until 30 June, where Andium Homes will notify successful applicants
  2. there will be a further round of applications in September

The first round of the scheme in April helped 25 Islanders to buy their own home.

Islanders are encouraged to apply again if they are un​successful in the second round of the scheme.​

First Step Assisted Home Ownership​ policy guidance​​

You can apply for the First Step scheme if you are registered on the Assisted Purchase pathway. If you aren't on the Assisted Purchase pathway you can apply below.

Apply to join the Assisted Purchase pathway

Islanders interested in registering for the scheme can do so through Andium Homes:

Apply to join the Assisted Purchase pathway

Current schemes

Schemes that are currently providing assisted purchase homes include: 

  • Government of Jersey’s First Step open-market shared equity scheme 
  • Andium Homebuy scheme
  • Re-zoned housing sites
  • other schemes offering assistance towards the costs of purchasing a property (see additional detail in policy document)

How the purchase schemes work

Purchase schemes can be run by private agencies and housing providers. Schemes can become available at various times. 

Each scheme can different and have its own rules. For example, some might provide homes at a discounted price, whereas others might provide help towards a deposit to buy a home.​

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