27 July 2017

Up to date information, verified by international scientists, shows that Jersey’s greenhouse gas emissions have dropped by 40% since 1990.
International carbon emissions are recorded across the globe to measure progress towards carbon reduction targets agreed under the Kyoto Protocol. Jersey is a signatory to the International Convention on Climate Change, and has committed to carbon reductions. Annual emissions are reported to the UK, independently verified and progress monitored.
The latest information, published by the Department of the Environment, shows a return to a longer-term trend of declining emissions.
Downward trend
The switch to low-carbon French electricity generated from nuclear and hydro sources has helped reduce emissions significantly since 1990, and emissions from homes, businesses and transport have held steady, despite an increasing population.
An energy trends report published earlier this year by the Statistics Unit showed energy use per person has been on a downward trend over the last five years.
According to the Department of the Environment, increased energy efficiency in buildings and better fuel efficiency of vehicles will be influencing this trend, since energy consumption and emissions are strongly driven by lighting and heating buildings, and the local transport sector.
Ambitious target
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce said ‘Jersey has set itself an ambitious target of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050 against a 1990 baseline. I am cautiously optimistic that we are starting on this journey well. However, there is much to do and still a long way to go.
‘We’ve got to consider the carbon implications of the decisions we all make if Jersey is ultimately to be successful in playing its part in reducing global carbon emissions, and thereby avoiding the most serious consequences of climate change.’
Pathway 2050: An Energy Plan for Jersey, produced by the Department for the Environment, proposed a range of policy measures designed to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050 compared to a 1990 baseline. These are slowly being reflected in emissions figures, including
- 4,000 Andium properties changed to electric heating, saving one million litres of oil a year, equivalent to c.2,550 tonnes CO2eq
- 1,700 private homes insulated through energy efficiency service, saving c.1,370 tonnes CO2eq every year (validated figures by the Energy Saving Trust)
- community buildings programme has delivered carbon savings of c. 260 t/CO2 per year through subsidised energy efficiency measures for not-for-profit community buildings (figures validated by the Carbon Trust)
Other measures that will contribute to future carbon reductions include significantly tightening the energy standards for new buildings and refurbishments through building bye-laws.
The continuing fall in the price of electric cars will also reduce petrol and diesel consumption and emissions.