30 June 2023

The 2023 Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Surey (JOLS) was launched on 8th June. Around 4,000 randomly selected households were sent a letter inviting them to complete the survey online.
The Statistics Unit has so far received over 800 online responses, and now the households that haven’t yet responded will receive a paper questionnaire through the post.
The results of the survey are used directly by government in decision making and developing public services. This year's survey covers a range of topics that affect us all, such as the cost of living, health and wellbeing.
The survey can be completed online or on paper, and a Portuguese translation is also available. The responses are completely confidential and are only used to produce grouped statistics.
Ian Cope, Chief Statistician, said: “We’ve had a positive response so far, and I’d like to thank everyone who has taken the time to complete the survey. I’d like to urge Islanders who have received the survey and not yet responded, to do so. It will help give us the most accurate picture of the public’s views.”
"I would like to reassure everyone that all responses to the survey are anonymous and protected by law."
The results of the survey will be published later this year. You can find previous questionnaires and reports at www.gov.je/JOLS.