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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Payment of benefits during bank holidays

We will be making the following payments during the bank holiday period.

​Payment by BACS

This is the date we will issue the payment to your bank and should be when it is credited to your account. We cannot guarantee that this is what your bank will do.

Normal payment date New payment date for Income Support, Long Term Care, Home Carers Allowance, Parental Allowance Old Age Pension, Survivors Pension, LTIA
Invalidity, Short Term Incapacity Allowance
Wednesday 25 December
(bank holiday)
Tuesday 24 December
​​Not applicable

Tuesday 24 December
​Thursday 26 December
(bank holiday)
Tuesday 24 December
Tuesday 24 December
Tuesday 24 December

All other dates for that week are scheduled as normal.​​

Normal payment date
New payment date for Income Support, Long Term Care, Home Carers Allowance, Parental Allowance
Old Age Pension, Survivors Pension, LTIA

Invalidity, Short Term Incapacity Allowance

Wednesday 1 January
(bank holiday)
Tuesday 31 December
​​​Not applicable
Tuesday 31 December

All other dates for that week are scheduled as normal.​​​

Payment by cheque

This is the date we will print and post the cheque to you. We cannot guarantee the date you will actually receive the cheque.​

Normal dispatch date New dispatch date for Income Support, Long Term Care, Home Carers Allowance Invalidity, Short Term Incapacity Allowance
Wednesday 25 December
(bank holiday)
Tuesday 24 December

Tuesday 24 December

​Thursday 26 December
(bank holiday)​
Tuesday 24 December
Tuesday 24 December
All other dates for that week are scheduled as normal.
Normal dispatch date
New dispatch date for Income Support, Long Term Care, Home Carers Allowance
Invalidity, Short Term Incapacity Allowance

​Wednesday 1 January
(Bank Holiday)
Tuesday 31 December
Tuesday 31 December​

All other dates for that week are scheduled as normal.​
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