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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Payments if you're off work sick (Short Term Incapacity Allowance)

​Short Term Incapacity Allowance (STIA) is a benefit which may be paid to you if you can’t work due to illness or injury. 

A doctor must confirm that you're unable to work and issue you with a medical certificate.

As of Tuesday 1 August, this also includes testing positive or having symptoms of COVID-19 

​Amount you’ll receive​​

The standard weekly rate is £283.01 (£40.43 daily rate). We’ll work out how much benefit you’ll get by looking at your Social Security contributions.

How it’s paid​

STIA is paid weekly in arrears. It can be paid to you or to your employer.

Some employers will require your STIA to be paid to them. You should ask your employer if this applies to you.

If you have given us bank account details, then we’ll pay directly into your nominated bank account.

If you haven’t given us any bank account details, or if we couldn’t read the account details you have given, we’ll pay you by open cheque.

You can cash open cheques at any Jersey post office or you can pay it into your bank account.

Payment to employers

There is a section on the form for payments to be made on authority to employers. If an authority code is put on the form then payment will be made to the bank account associated with the authority code. This is by automated means.

If you're an employer and want to set up payments on authority to your company bank account, contact us.

If you're claiming STIA and wish to have your payments made to your employer, you will need to provide the following employer bank details:

  • bank name
  • account number
  • sort code
  • account name

Government of Jersey employees can opt to have their benefit paid to Government of Jersey People Services without having to supply this information.

Entitlement to STIA​​

We’ll look at your contributions to see if you’ll be entitled to STIA.

If you don’t have enough contributions, you might not receive any benefit or the rate may be reduced.

If you’re unsure if you’ll receive STIA because of your contribution record, you can contact us for advice.

Claiming STIA at the full rate

To get STIA at the full rate, you must:

  • have paid or been credited with enough contributions for each of the months in the relevant quarter
  • have paid enough contributions for at least three months before the end of the relevant quarter

The table below shows how to find out the relevant quarter.​

If your claim begins during
You must have paid contributions during
January to MarchJuly to September in the previous year
April to JuneOctober to December in the previous year
July to SeptemberJanuary to March in the same year
October to DecemberApril to June in the same year

​​For example, if you become ill in September for two weeks, you must have paid contributions during January, February and March of the same year to receive the full amount of Short Term Incapacity Allowance.

If you haven’t paid enough contributions​​

You may be able to get a reduced rate of STIA if you have some but not all of the three months fully covered by contributions or credits.

For example, if you have one month fully covered by contributions or credits, we’d give you a third of the full rate.

Paying contributions in other countries​

If you haven’t paid enough contributions in Jersey, it may be possible to use the contributions you paid to another country to meet the contribution conditions for the allowance.

Making a claim​​

To make a claim, you must:

  1. ​get a medical certificate from your doctor or hospital
  2. fill out every section of the certificate and sign it at the bottom
  3. send your completed certificate to us

You must submit your medical certificate as soon as possible after seeing your GP as your claim will be disallowed should it be submitted 6 months after your GP visit.

How long you can claim for

STIA can be paid for a minimum of two days and a maximum of 364 days.

The first certificate in your claim can’t cover more than 28 days.

Your doctor may give you further certificates for a maximum of 13 weeks at a time if it’s needed.

Claiming for your husband, wife or partner​

We may pay an increase in your benefit if your husband / wife / partner is claiming Home Responsibility Protection and they’re living with you. Both you and your husband / wife / partner must update us with your current address for the increase to be paid.

This increase may be reduced or not payable if your husband / wife / partner is getting another Social Security benefit in their own right.

Contribution credits for parents working 20 hours or less: Home Responsibility Protection (HRP)​

Protecting your contribution record while off work​​

A contribution credit may be awarded for each day that you’re receiving STIA. These protect your contribution record for any future claims to incapacity benefit and any future pension entitlement.

It’s important to send in any medical certificates you get, even if you think you won’t receive any money, as you may still be able to get credits.

You won’t be awarded any credits if you’ve chosen not to pay contributions.

Effect on your other benefits​

We won’t be able to pay out two benefits from Social Security funds.

For example, we won’t pay Home Carer's Allowance at the same time as STIA.

You must tell us if you’re receiving any other Social Security benefits from another country when you complete your medical certificate.

Changes in your circumstances​

You must tell us if:

  • you want to do any work or return to work early​
  • anything happens that will affect the payment of benefit in respect of your husband / wife / partner
  • you change address
  • you plan to leave Jersey (even if temporarily)
  • you go to prison (your benefit can't be paid for any part of a prison sentence)
  • if you change your bank account
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