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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Car parks (long and short stay) and their PayByPhone location numbers

​Car parks map

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​Long stay (all day) car parks

Long stay car parks are charged at one unit per hour from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday, all year round. You can use paycards, a season ticket or the new PayByPhone app in these car parks.

You must ensure the J is included when registering your vehicle registration mark into the PaybyPhone application.
​Car park name PayByPhone location code​​Location​Height restrictions
​First Tower​59820​St Helier​1.98m​6ft 6in
​Elizabeth Lane​59821​St Helier​None
​Green Street Multi Storey​59812​St Helier​1.98m​6ft 6in
​Inn on the Park​59822​St Helier​None

​Les Jardins

​59823​​St Helier


​Les Jardins (Esplanade underpass connecting tunnel)​59823​St Helier​1.93m​6ft 4in
​Midvale Road​59824​St Helier​None ​
​Nelson Street​59839​St Helier​None
​Patriotic Street Multi Storey (Levels 3 to 12)​59840​St Helier​1.98m​6ft 6in
​Patriotic Street Hospital Area (patient and visitor parking only - season ticket not valid)​59827St Helier​​1.98m​6ft 6in
​Peoples Park​59825​St Helier​None ​
​Pier Road Multi Storey (Levels 3 to 12)59811​St Helier​1.93m​6ft 4in
​Route du Fort​59826​St Helier​None ​
​Red Houses (Upper North only)​59828

​St Brelade​

​None ​
​Rue des Pres (car park not on-street)
​St Saviour

The following car parks are charged at one unit per two hours between 8am and 5pm, all year round. You can use paycards, a half season ticket or the new PayByPhone app in these car parks. ​ You should check the ‘maximum stay’ rules that apply. These could be 12 in 24 hours or seven consecutive days.

Car park namePayByPhone location code Location
Goose Green59829St Peter
La Collette59830St Helier
Layby 1 Victoria Avenue59831St Helier
Layby 2 Victoria Avenue59832St Helier
Layby 3 Victoria Avenue59833St Helier
Layby 4 Victoria Avenue59834St Helier
Le Boulevard, St Aubin59835St Brelade
St Aubin59837St Brelade
Gun Site59838St Peter

The following car parks are charged at one unit per two hours between 8am and 5pm, from 1 April to 30 September each year. You can use paycards a half season ticket or the new PayByPhone app in these car parks.

​Car park name​PayByPhone location code​Location
​Layby 5 Victoria Avenue​59841​St Helier
​Layby 6 Victoria Avenue​59842​St Helier
​Layby 7 Victoria Avenue​59843​St Helier
​Victoria House, Bel Royal ​59844​St Lawrence
​La Perquage, La Route de la Haule​59845​St Lawrence
​Les Mielles, St Aubin​59846​St Brelade
​Midbay​59847​St Brelade
​Tams​59848​St Brelade
​Woodford​59849​St Brelade

You should check the ‘maximum stay’ rules that apply. These could be 12 in 24 hours or seven consecutive days. It is illegal to advertise vehicles for sale in any public place.

Short stay (shopper) car parks in St Helier

Short stay car parks are charged at one unit per hour between 8am and 5pm, all year round. You can use paycards or the new PayByPhone app in these car parks.

You can stay up to three hours in these car parks.

Car park namePayByPhone location code Height restrictions ​
Minden Place multi storey598151.85m6ft 1in
Pier Road multi storey, level 1 and 2
598101.93m6ft 4in
​Sand Street multi storey (stays over 3 hours are charged at a higher fee and you can't use paycards at Sand Street car park)
​803713​2.03m​6ft 8in
Snow Hill59816None
South Hill59817None

​ Sand Street multi storey car park 

You can use Sand Street parking payment system or PaybyPhone.

When using PayByPhone, you must start your session on arrival, as you would in all the other public car parks, and extend remotely if you need additional time.

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