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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Planned highway maintenance

​Roadworks planned for 2025

Approximate dateDetails
La Route de NoirmontJanuary and February
St John's Village on
Route des Issues, Rue de la Mare Ballam and La Route du Nord
April Easter holidaysResurfacing
Grande Route de St Laurent and Rue de la Mare Ballam
May and June half term
Surface treatment
​La Route de L'Etacq, Rue des Pre, Le Hurel and Chemin de la Brecquette
June​Surface treatment​
​La Collette Trading Estate and La Route de Veulle
June and July​Resurfacing​
La Grande Route de la Cote
July and August summer holidaysResurfacing
Rue de la Forge, Rue Militaire and part of Chemin de L'Eglise, St OuenSeptember and October
Junction of Rue de Galet and Victoria Avenue
October half term

Roadworks planned for 2026

Approximate dateDetails
Bagot RoadJanuary or FebruaryResurfacing
Les Chenolles and Les Chemin de HerupeTo be confirmedResurfacing
Le Mont Pinel and La Route du Marais
May or JuneSurface treatment
Wellington Hill and Bagatelle RoadSummer holidaysResurfacing
Rue de la Croix St OuenTo be confirmedResurfacing
La Route des Sablons (Section 3)To be confirmedResurfacing
Waterworks Valley
To be confirm​ed
Kerb works and drainage
​La Rue D'Asplet
To be confirmed​​Resurfacing
​La Route du Nord (Section 2 )
To be confirmed​

Roadworks planned for 2027

Approximate dateDetails
La Grande Route de St Clement and La Rue de FauvicTo be confirmedResurfacing
Route es Nouax and lower section of Mont CochonTo be confirmedResurfacing
Route de FrancfiefTo be confirmedResurfacing and surface treatment
Route de Beaumont and Grande Route de St PierreTo be confirmedResurfacing
Le Mont du Petit Port and Rue de CorbiereTo be confirmedMicro asphalt
La Nouvelle Chariere
To be confirmedResurafcing
​St Saviour's Road (Section 5)
To be confirmed​Resurfacing​
​La Route du Nord (Section 3)
To be confirmed​
​La Rue Militaire, Haute Croix to Mont Mado, St John
​To be confirmed

Roadworks planned for 2028

Approximate dateDetails
St Aubin Inner Road (Section 3)To be confirmedResurfacing
St Marks Road and Stopford RoadTo be confirmedResurfacing
Rue des Landes and Route des CoinTo be confirmedResurfacing and surface treatment
Rue de TrotTo be confirmedSurface treatment
Mont des RouteursTo be confirmedResurfacing
Longueville RoadTo be confirmedResurfacing
Dicq Road and St Clement Road SouthTo be confirmedResurfacing
St Saviours Hill (Patier Lane to 5 Oaks roundabout)
To be confirmedResurfacing
Rue de BoulivotTo be confirmedMicro asphalt
Mulcaster StreetTo be confirmedResurfacing

Roadworks planned for 2029

Approximate dateDetails
Route de la LiberationJanuary, February or MarchResurfacing
Rue de Pont MarquetTo be confirmedResurfacing
Les PlatonsTo be confirmedSurface treatment
Trinity HillTo be confirmedResurfacing
Rue de HautTo be confirmedResurfacing
Mont FalluTo be confirmedResurfacing
Rue a Don Section 5
To be confirmedResurfacing
​St Saviour's Hill
​To be confirmed

Roadworks planned for 2030

Approximate dateDetails
Dumaresq Street, depending on progress of developments in area
January or FebruaryResurfacing, kerb works and footpaths
St John's Road
School summer holidaysResurfacing
Mont Sohier, Route de la Baie and La MarquanderieJanuary, February or MarchResurfacing
Grande Route de la Cote (Section 3)To be confirmedResurfacing
Kensington PlaceTo be confirmedResurfacing
Green Street North, Grenville Street, Clarence Road and Part Don RoadTo be confirmedResurfacing

Road repairs and maintenance treatments

Find out how we review and plan road maintenance, including the treatments we use to do road repairs and maintenance.

Previous repairs or maintenance work

​​Find information on the roads we have recently repaired or maintained in the map of road closures and delays​, under road surfacing and embargoes.​​​

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