Personal tax servicesPersonal tax questions are answered using the personal tax enquiry form or by calling +44 (0) 1534 440300. You'll get a response on the enquiry form within 5 working days. Make a personal tax enquiryThe busiest times to telephone with the longest waiting times are between 12pm and 2pm and then between 4pm to 5pm. When you call personal tax you'll be given an estimate of the current waiting time depending on the number of callers who are waiting and the number of available Revenue officers. You can also get face to face help at Customer and Local Services. Customer and Local Services estimated waiting timesAgents, companies and partnership online servicesFor corporate and partnership income tax queries email for agent, company or partnership online services or complete corporate returns and partnership notifications using the portal.Find out more on partnership income and tax. Complete your partnership tax returns and combined notificationsCombined employer returnsFor employer queries email the online form to register for online employer services or submit your combined employer return.Find out more on completing your combined employer return. File your combined employer returnGoods and Services Tax (GST)For domestic GST queries (not Customs import GST queries) email Register your Jersey or overseas business for GST.Find out more on how to register for GST.Register for GSTFile your GST return online. File your GST returnLand Transaction Tax (LTT) and Enveloped Property Transactions (EPT)Complete the LTT statement for share transfer property or enveloped property transactions and pay the tax. Completing land transaction tax forms Completing the enveloped property transaction tax formWhat we doRevenue Jersey is responsible for:administering and collecting Personal Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Goods and Services Tax and Land Transaction Taxcollecting Social Security contributionscollecting Long-Term Care contributionshelping and encouraging people to get their taxes and contributions rightdealing with those who choose to evade their responsibilitiesensuring that Jersey's international tax exchange agreements are administered Find more about our core values and customers' charter